Meet Compatible Matches The DineNMeet matchmaking process is created to make your Jewish dating process enjoyable and effective We use a combination of Online Matching and Unique events to create successful matches
Create Profile Use your profile from one of our partner sites, or create one here. We then place you at the most compatible events. Our hand-selected matchmakers send profiles after events you attend to speed up follow up with people want to date.
Select A Matchmaker Gold membership gives you an expert Jewish matchmaker to handle your dating needs. They will contact you to better understand you & what you are looking for in a match.
Receive Profiles After events, you can log back in and see a list of attendees. You can click profile pictures to request more information. If you upgrade, you receive event discounts. Your matchmaker will select quality profiles for you to accept, decline or save.
Start Dating When two members are interested in each other, then contact details are exchanged. Then you can arrange to set up your date. Mutually approved matches can also message each other through the DineNMeet system.
Support Our dedicated matchmakers remain in touch with you throughout. They give support & advice as is needed. It's the personalized human touch has has created so many marriages.